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Foods that make your skin oily

Foods that make your skin oily

There are many causes for oily skin. Starting as usual with your genetics. The skin type you inherited from your parents. It continues with hormonal l effects, mainly androgens, hormones both men and women have.
Interestingly, tweaking your diet can reduce the oiliness of your skin and even help with your acne. Beware that the effects of improving your diet will show in 3-4 weeks after you make the required changes in your diet.

Which type of food can make your skin oilier?

1. Dairy products such as cows' milk, butter, and cheese contain high levels of hormones (insulin growth factor) which can lead to increased oil production and blocked pores.

Dairy-free alternatives like almond milk and vegan cheese are a better choice. Adding some leafy green vegetables (spinach or kale), almonds, and oranges will provide you with the same amount of calcium you may get from dairy.

2. Refined white flour and rice

Refined white flour loses fiber and other essential nutrients when it's processed. Thus, refined white flour found in bread (white and brown) cakes, white pasta, white rice, and cereals cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This results in more insulin in the bloodstream and more oil on the skin.

An excellent alternative to refined white flour is brown rice, quinoa, and oats. These foods have higher levels of fiber and will keep your blood sugar levels stable.

3. Saturated and trans fats

There are a few types of fatty acids; saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats. Saturated and trans fats increase inflammation in the skin, which can cause excess skin oil. Saturated and trans fats are found in red meats such as beef, lamb, sausages, bacon, cakes; pastries, pizza; pies; butter; cream, and cheese. Trans fat is formed when oil goes through a hardening process called hydrogenation (they can also be known as hydrogenated fats). Trans fats can be found in some processed foods.
Good alternatives to foods rich with inflammatory fats are chicken and turkey, oily fish like salmon and mackerel, and nuts like walnuts and avocado. For cooking, it's better to use coconut and olive oil.

4. Salt: Some salt is crucial for our health. Too much salt causes water retention in the body and dehydration in the skin. Skin dehydration causes the skin to fight water loss by overproduction of skin oil. Reducing salt in the diet can be achieved by eating less salty dressings, less salty chips, popcorn, less cured meats and bacon, pickles, salted nuts, crisps, and crackers.
Good alternatives to salty foods are unsalted nuts, apple slices, nut butter, and homemade reduced-salt food.

5. Sugar spikes your blood sugar levels. The body responds by producing more insulin, which in turn encourages the glands to produce more oil in your skin oil glands. While natural sugars (those that occur in fruits and vegetables) should be consumed in moderation, the consumption of refined sugars such as cane sugar and corn syrup (found in most sweets, cakes, cookies, jams, and pastries, as well as cereals, cereal bars, crackers, and sodas) should be reduced to a minimum.

Swap sugary foods for Berries, good quality dark chocolate, and water with fresh lemon and bananas.

6. Alcohol significantly impacts your skin, particularly if you're prone to oily skin. Alcohol saps fluid out of the skin, causing dehydration, which means the skin produces more oil, trying to compensate for the water loss. Alcohol can also cause you to sweat more. This sweat makes you wash your face with water, removing your skin oil and giving you a greasier look.
Alternatives to alcohol? Water. If you must drink a glass of wine or two, drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink to keep your skin hydrated.

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The ten most common questions about food and acne
Healthier Carbs To Eat For Teens With Acne

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