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Do I have Dry Skin, Regular Skin, or Oily Skin?

acne dry skin

Your skin type is primarily determined by genetics, but factors like your age, environment, lifestyle, and overall health also influence it. Knowing your skin type is crucial to caring for your skin effectively. However, identifying your skin type can sometimes be confusing.

Do I have dry skin, regular skin, or oily skin? What is combination skin?

Here is a quick way to determine if your skin type is dry, regular, oily, or combination skin. Wash your face with a mild soap (not medicated), pat it dry, and don't use any skincare products. How does your skin look 2 hours later?

Dry Acne-Prone Skin:

Imagine walking through a desert; your throat is parched, and your lips are cracked, seeking a hint of moisture in the arid landscape. For those with dry skin, this imagery is a daily reality for their skin cells. Dry skin lacks the necessary sebum or oil that retains moisture, causing it to lose hydration more rapidly. Consequently, it can feel tight, look dull, and show signs of premature aging. It may have a rough texture and often appears flaky, especially in colder or drier climates.

Oily Acne-Prone Skin

Conversely, oily skin is like an overenthusiastic oil well. It's characterized by an overproduction of sebum, which leads to a greasy, shiny complexion. While excess sebum can help keep the skin moisturized and ward off signs of aging, it can also clog pores, promote acne, and leave you reaching for blotting sheets throughout the day.

Normal Acne-Prone Skin

Normal skin, the Goldilocks of skin types, strikes a balance between the arid desert of dry skin and the oil field of oily skin. It's neither too dry nor too oily, producing just enough sebum to maintain a healthy hydration level without looking shiny. Normal skin tends to have smaller pores, fewer imperfections, and a radiant complexion.

Combination Acne-Prone Skin

Combination skin can feel like a never-ending battle to balance two contrasting skin types. Those with combination skin typically have an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry cheeks. This skin type requires more attention and care, as different face areas may need other products or treatments.

Skincare for Different Acne-Prone Skin Types

Understanding your skin type is just the first step in a journey toward better skincare. The next is creating a routine tailored to your skin's unique needs, focusing on balancing, nourishing, and protecting your skin.

Skincare for Acne-Prone Dry Skin

When navigating the desert-like landscape of dry skin, your skincare routine should act as a nourishing oasis. Dry skin craves hydration and moisture, so it's essential to quench its thirst. Start with a gentle, soap-free cleanser to avoid stripping away precious oils, followed by a hydrating toner. Serums containing hyaluronic acid, a powerful humectant, can help draw moisture into the skin. A rich, emollient moisturizer, preferably with ingredients like ceramides, can help seal in this moisture and strengthen your skin's barrier. Lastly, never skip sunscreen during the, even if it's cloudy. The sun's harmful rays can dry out your skin further and accelerate signs of aging.

Skincare for Oily Skin

Managing oily skin is about striking a balance. Over-cleaning and using harsh products can strip your skin of oil, leading it to produce more sebum to compensate. Instead, use a gentle, oil-free cleanser and lukewarm water to wash your face twice daily. Avoid alcohol-based toners that can dry out your skin. Opt for a lightweight, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. It may seem counterintuitive to moisturize oily skin, but oil is not moisture. Even oily skin needs hydration. Use a mattifying sunscreen during the day, and consider using products with salicylic acid, which can help control oil and prevent breakouts.

Skincare for Normal Skin

Caring for normal skin is all about maintaining its natural balance. A gentle cleanser and a hydrating toner can help keep your skin clean and well-hydrated. Use a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer to maintain your skin's natural moisture levels. And, of course, don't forget to use sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. While normal skin may not have specific problems like dryness or oiliness, it's still important to pay attention to any changes in your skin and adjust your routine accordingly.

Skincare for Combination Skin

Combination skin needs a fine-tuned approach that addresses both dryness and oiliness. You might need to use different products for different areas of your face. For instance, you can use a gentle cleanser all over your face but follow it up with an oil-absorbing toner only in your T-zone. Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer all over your face, and consider adding a richer cream for your dry cheeks at night. Always remember to protect your skin with good sunscreen during the day.


My skin is dry, itchy, and sore. Which products should I use products?

Based on your description, you may have sensitive/dry skin. In this case, you need to be aware of a few things.

1. When you wash your skin, use a very small amount of a very mild, creamy cleanser, dry skin cleanser.
2. If you use an anti-acne gel, choose a low percent 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and apply it for no more than 2 hours a day.
3. In the morning, you need to use an oil-free moisturizer to replenish the humidity of your skin. The MDacne products have been formulated to be personalized to different skin types, including dry skin. Once you subscribe to MDacne, the app will assess your skin, and you will be provided with a cleanser, anti-acne cream, and moisturizer customized to your skin type.

Does steam dry out your skin, even though it unclogs your pores?

Steam is actually water. If done right, it will not dry your skin. All you need to do is limit the time you are exposed to the steam. One way to steam your skin and unclog pores is to boil a pan of water. Place your face, a foot, and a half over the pan. A towel on your head will help to direct the steam to your skin. Since it is possible to get burned by steam, make sure not to put your face too close to the steam. Expose your face to the steam for no more than five minutes. When you're finished, pat your face dry with a clean towel. Another option to "steam" your face is a 20-minute hot bath. It's a great stress remover and will help loosen and unclog your pores.

Should I use a moisturizer?

To prevent dryness and still get the anti-acne benefits, you need to look at all the products you are using.

1. Need to use ONLY mild cleansers. Use tiny amounts.
2. Your anti-acne night cream should not be too dry. If you use benzoyl peroxide - 2.5% is enough.
3. Very important. Even if you have oily skin, you to in the morning an oil-free moisturizer.
4. Do not use anti-acne scrubs, peeling masks, and exfoliators. These can dry and irritate your skin and will not help with your acne. Using acne cleansers and anti-acne creams (salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide) dries out the skin and damages its protective layer.

I'm using 10% benzoyl peroxide, and my skin face is extremely flaky and dry. What should use an oil-free moisturizer do?

10% benzoyl peroxide is too high for the face. The best way is to start low with 2.5%. In the first week, start with a small quantity and use an oil-free moisturizer in the morning. For most people, this should be enough. If you do not see improvement in 6-8 weeks, you may need to switch to 5%. Check your personal plan on the app for specific product suggestions for your skin.

Benzoyl peroxide "burned" the skin on my neck area, and it's peeling, dry, and tight. What should I do?

Benzoyl peroxide is the single most effective anti-acne topical ingredient. The American Academy of Dermatology acne treatment guidelines place benzoyl peroxide on the list of suggested anti-acne medications. Other ingredients, such as retinoids (Differin, adapalene) and azelaic acid, are significantly less effective for treating active acne. To your question: The skin around the mouth and neck is very sensitive. Do NOT apply benzoyl peroxide (or adapalene) creams to these areas. Wash your hands after you use these creams. This will avoid touching and spreading the creams to the neck by mistake.


Understanding your skin type and its needs is crucial for maintaining a healthy, radiant complexion. Each skin type has unique requirements and challenges, but with the proper care, you can achieve balance and help your skin look its best. Always remember to listen to your skin and adapt your routine as needed. After all, your skin is as unique as you are. So, don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Happy skincare journey!

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