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10 unknown facts about acne scars

acne scars

No one wants to deal with acne scars — no one! But, for some people, they're a skin reality. If you have acne scars, we're here to help.

The best way to prevent acne scars is to treat active acne ASAP when you notice it. If you want to avoid long-term skin scars, we recommend you never, ever manually extract blackheads from your face, pick at your pimples, or pop your pimples — all of these increase the risk for acne brown spots and scars.

Want to know more about acne scars? Here are ten little-known facts.

  1. Acne scars are the result of active acne inflammation in the dermis.
  2. The acne scar is created by the wound trying to heal itself, resulting in the overproduction of collagen fibers in this area.
  3. Without proper treatment of active acne, dark spots, and permanent scars can appear on the skin as acne clears. That's why treating acne as quickly as possible is essential.
  4. Acne pigmentation scars usually fade within 3 to 18 months, although they can last indefinitely if untreated. Dark spot treatment can quickly fade these marks but will not affect depressed acne scars.
  5. Most acne pigmentation scars can be avoided by early treatment of active acne without manual manipulation of the skin.
  6. Rolling acne scars give the skin a wave-like appearance.
  7. Boxcar acne scars are scars that are depressed with steep borders. These usually appear on the temples and the cheeks and are more challenging to treat than other types of acne scars.
  8. Icepick scars are the most common type of acne scars from deep pinpoint pits.
  9. Proper treatment of active acne and acne scars often boosts self-esteem.
  10. The best non-surgical treatment to help fade depressed acne scars is fractional micro-needle radiofrequency.

Don't let the thought of potential acne scars stress you out — treat your acne now, and you'll avoid these scars in the future!

To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.

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